
After 2.5 years of study and research, with the help of my Professors and instructors, My Thesis was defended and finished yesterday, So basically I am graduated from IAUSTB as a M.Sc. Engineering of Mechatronics. The amount of work was devastating (and it continues!), but it was finally accepted and I guess part of pressure is gone now.

Kind of glad, but also tired, very. The work is still on and we need to finish the work and also do papers etc.

I would love the make the work Open Source, but I need the university to give me a permission on that. If so, I will release the study. Otherwise only official studies will be published.

Lots of work until PhD, if some Doctoral school accepts me in 🙂

Studying will never finish for me, or I’ll be dead.


About Paymaan Jafari Taayemeh

Graduated in 2015 as a Robotics and Mechatronics Systems Design Engineer, previously a Computer Hardware B.Sc. Engineering, a proud Iranian, has a lovely daughter. Does R&D and designs/makes Robotics, Mechatronics, Drones, Embedded systems. Also works as a consultant in Hi-tech related stuff. Has a passion for fishing, wood and metalworking and prototyping.
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