I need your help saving this blog and my domain names!

Within a couple of months, I need to pay the costs of keeping of this website. It is about 19+ yrs if I remember correctly that I have this site, and never its been this hard.

Trump administration made our money worth 1/15 of what it was and now I need to pay around 500USD while I only make 50/month. I need donations or it’ll be almost impossible. Donating by bitcoin is possible through side bar, and I will appreciate your help. Hope I find another way before deadline reaches.


About Paymaan Jafari Taayemeh

Graduated in 2015 as a Robotics and Mechatronics Systems Design Engineer, previously a Computer Hardware B.Sc. Engineering, a proud Iranian, has a lovely daughter. Does R&D and designs/makes Robotics, Mechatronics, Drones, Embedded systems. Also works as a consultant in Hi-tech related stuff. Has a passion for fishing, wood and metalworking and prototyping.
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