How to mount partclone/clonezilla backup images on Linux

here is how to convert/restore a partclone created image backup of any drive and file system and to create a loop device and mount it:

Get sure your destination has enough space for that size of backup first.

install partclone:

$ sudo apt install partclone

then create a file when you want the converted partclone image be stored, mind the required space:

$ touch sda11.img

now convert the partclone image to the normal (dd, mountable) image file:

$ sudo partclone.restore -C -O sda11.img -s partclone_BKP/pjsda1.img
Partclone v0.3.17
Starting to restore image (partclone_BKP/pjsda1.img) to device (sda11.img)
Calculating bitmap... Please wait...
File system: NTFS
Device size: 475.9 GB = 116189951 Blocks
Space in use: 315.6 GB = 77053233 Blocks
Free Space: 160.3 GB = 39136718 Blocks
Block size: 4096 Byte
Elapsed: 03:14:18, Remaining: 00:00:00, Completed: 100.00%, Rate: 1.62GB/min,
current block: 116189560, total block: 116189951, Complete: 100.00%
Total Time: 03:14:18, Ave. Rate: 1.6GB/min, 100.00% completed!
Syncing... OK!
Partclone successfully restored the image (partclone_BKP/pjsda1.img) to the device (sda11.img)
Cloned successfully.


I also made a mounting point:

$ sudo mkdir /mnt/mydisk

and create the loop device on the new converted image:

$ sudo losetup -Pfr --show sda11.img
lsbkl proves this is the device:

loop0 loop 443.2G
sda disk 931.5G
├─sda1 part ext4 /home 465.8G

It recognized the file system as NTFS, so we are going to mount it the same:

$ sudo mount -o loop0 -t ntfs-3g sda11.img /mnt/mydisk

and it is done, if you cd to /mnt/mydisk, it shows the contect of that drive now. I don’t know why it is not shown in the Nemo though.

for other file systems, the command can be changed to ext3 or whatever the fs is.

Again thanks to Linux mint forums and also to this post:

About Paymaan Jafari Taayemeh

Graduated in 2015 as a Robotics and Mechatronics Systems Design Engineer, previously a Computer Hardware B.Sc. Engineering, a proud Iranian, has a lovely daughter. Does R&D and designs/makes Robotics, Mechatronics, Drones, Embedded systems. Also works as a consultant in Hi-tech related stuff. Has a passion for fishing, wood and metalworking and prototyping.
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